Orleans Bay Caravan Park, WA

Day 24 – 12th Mar 2011
Orleans Bay Caravan Park, WA

Drove to Rossiter Bay for Breaky on a terribly corrugated road, glad it was only 6km.  Nele got excited AGAIN after seeing a kangaroo on the beach.

Climbed Frenchmans Peak (30 mins up to the top - 180m climb)

Drove to Duke of Orleans Bay – AGAIN Nele got excited over seeing an Emu on the road.  Spent the afternoon at Wharton Beach, great little surf beach, very scenic, great place to learn to surf .  Went for a swim and we had some fun body surfing (well Andrew did)

Kangaroo - Rossiter Bay

Rossiter Bay

Frenchmans Peak

Frenchmans Peak - view from the top

Frenchmans Peak - view from the cave (near top)

Emu on Road - Nele is very excited at this point

Wharton Beach - good little surf beach

Lookout near Wharton Beach

Wharton Beach - Andrew having fun in the waves

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