Lawn Hill Gorge Campsite, Boodjamulla NP, QLD

Day 185 – 20th August 2011
Lawn Hill Gorge Campsite, Boodjamulla NP, QLD

We got up early this morning as we wanted to be the first ones on the water. We hired a canoe ($20/h) and paddled the emerald green waters of Lawn Hill Creek upstream to Upper Gorge via the Middle Gorge and Indarri Falls (6km return – 3h easy paddling). Great scenery which made it very relaxing and peaceful. After lunch we enjoyed a snooze before setting off late afternoon on the Constance Range walk, leading onto the hilltops with great panoramic views (3km return – 1h15). Afterwards we went for a swim and once cooled off we climbed up Island Stack again to view the sunset from the lookout. 

Waiting to hire a canoe

A mirror

Lawn Hill Middle Gorge

Andrew doing the hard work

Indarri Falls

Dragging the canoe from middle gorge to upper gorge section

Lawn Hill Upper Gorge


End of the canoeing - we need to turn back here

Enjoying the nice surroundings



Lawn Hill Gorge canoeing

Lawn Hill Gorge canoeing


Nele doing the hard work

Indarri Falls

Lawn Hill Gorge

Lawn Hill Gorge
Constance Range walk

Nice views

Another lizard

Relaxing at the campsite

Sunset at Island Stack Lookout

Sunset at Island Stack Lookout

Sunset at Island Stack Lookout

Sunset at Island Stack Lookout

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